Cobb County DUI Lawyer - Cobb County DUI Attorney
If you have been arrested for DUI in Cobb County Georgia, or anywhere in North Georgia, the clock is currently ticking.  You need to act immediately by scheduling a free consultation with the AVVO top-ranked DUI Attorney in Cobb County. Richard Lawson is a former DUI Prosecutor with more than 25 years experience representing people charged with DUI throughout Georgia. He puts that experience to work for you when you need it most.
30-Day Warning!
Once you have received a DUI arrest in Georgia, you have thirty (30) days to request a hearing or an ignition interlock device with the Department of Driver Services to avoid an AUTOMATIC LICENSE SUSPENSION! If the request is not made, you will be facing up to a 12-month license suspension. In the event of a refusal to submit to testing, that suspension can be without any permit to drive.The Georgia Department of Driver Services will only schedule a hearing on your license suspension and stay that suspension if you or your attorney files a request for a hearing or interlock device within the first thirty days after the citation. An Administrative License Suspension hearing (ALS) will only take place if you request one along with a $150 fee.  The Law Office of Richard Lawson will file the paperwork necessary to stay the automatic suspension and schedule a hearing.
If we represent you at the ALS hearing, you will not have to be present. This is a relief to many of our clients who otherwise would have to take valuable time off from work, school, or to find day care. Â We will however, force the officer to attend the hearing. Â Of course, there is always the possibility that he will not, in which case we automatically win, as the State cannot prove that there is any basis for the suspension.
If the officer does show up however, we will make him testify to every piece of evidence he gathered, on the record (meaning it is recorded) up until the time he placed you under arrest. Â Those recorded statements will then be available to us during later court hearings on your case to use to impeach the officer, should he take the stand and testify to anything differently than he did at the hearing. Remember, the ALS hearing is separate from your criminal court case!

The Law Office of Richard Lawson will guide you through the confusing and complicated worlds of suspension hearings AND your court case.
Your court case begins with your arraignment, or initial appearance. At your arraignment your attorney will enter you first plea of "Not Guilty," and will file all all of the discovery and substantive motions in your case. Unless those motions are filed at or before arraignment, you will waive those potential defenses.
The Law Office of Richard Lawson will file a "Notice of Appearance" on your behalf and arrange things so that you will not need to appear at your arraignment. Â A Notice of Appearance is a written document advising the court that our offices now represent you and that all paperwork and court documents should go through us, and that you should not be contacted unless we say it is okay. Â The prosecuting agencies will also be notified that we represent you and they will not be allowed to communicate with you either.
Richard Lawson and his associates and staff believe that it is the responsibility of your defense attorney to minimize the disruption a DUI can cause to the other parts of your life. Toward that end, we will appear on your behalf at all court hearings and will only ask you to attend when the judge requires your attendance. Â Of course, you are free to come to any of your court hearings, should you desire to appear, and we will keep you informed of all future hearings on your case. Â But often the need to take time off from work or school, or to arrange for child care becomes a burden that you should not have to bear for the average court hearing. As Cobb County DUI Attorneys, we know which hearings that require your attendance and which we can handle for you.
After your arraignment, your case will be set for one or more pretrial hearings. Â At the pretrial conferences, We will appear on your behalf and gather all of the evidence in the State's possession. Â We will collect police reports and lab results, witness statements and photographs, along with any other documents or things that the State may try to use to prove the case against you.
We will also use the pretrial conferences to meet with the solicitor or prosecutor to negotiate a plea deal. Â As a former prosecutor himself, Richard has the experience and has also built up the relationships with the various prosecutors, solicitors, and judges that it will take to secure you the best possible deal.
Former Prosecutor
This fact gives him a familiarity with the prosecution's case, their weaknesses, and strengths, which most other attorneys will never have. Â Putting that experience to work for you is your best possible defense against DUI charges in Cobb County.
As experienced Cobb County DUI Attorneys, our office can secure a plea agreement in your case, they will then go over the police reports and other evidence with you, along with the plea, to determine the best plan of action for your case. Â Do you wish to take a plea? Â Would you plead to lesser charges (i.e. reckless driving) if that offer was available? Â Do you want to fight the charges and set your case for trial? Â Would you like a trial by jury or in front of a judge?
These are all questions that you will discuss with us as we proceed with your case. Â You will be made aware of all relevant laws and issues that could arise with any of the options you may choose, so that you can make an informed decision. Â We will also provide you with our well-reasoned advice. Â We would never suggest a client take a plea agreement if we felt there was a need to fight the charges. Â Many attorneys will simply advise their clients to plead guilty, thereby moving them through the system and making space for new clients. Â That is not the case with The Law Office of Richard Lawson. Â We will advise you of your options and discuss the merits and potential drawbacks of each and will then look to you for an answer as to what you would like to do. Â We feel that representation in a DUI case is a team effort, both between our attorneys and support staff and with you as one of the most valuable members of that team.
If you decide to proceed with your case and set it for a jury trial or bench trial (a trial in front of a judge), we will file the necessary paperwork and appear on your behalf in court to make that happen.

The Court process in Georgia is a complicated one. Â Most people are confused as to which court they must go to for their hearings and we at the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson want to make things as clear as possible for you.
If you are cited inside the city limits of Marietta, Acworth, Austell, Kennesaw, Powder Springs, or Smyrna, you will appear in the Municipal Court for each of those towns.
If you are cited outside the city limits of any of those cities, you will be cited into Cobb County State Court. If you are charged with a felony DUI, you will be expected to appear in Cobb County Superior Court.
If you are cited into one of the Municipal Courts, your case will be dealt with there, unless you decide you would like to set your case for a jury trial. Â None of the Municipal Courts in Cobb County conduct jury trials. Â They are all bound over to Cobb County State Court.
If this is confusing to you, we thoroughly understand.
We agree it is complicated. For over 25 years, we have helped our clients navigate the court process. We know the system like the backs of our hands, and we will make sure if you do need to appear in court, you know exactly where you are going.Â
The Cobb County DUI Process is summarized below:
If you are charged with driving under the influence (DUI) in Cobb County, your case may be initiated in a city municipal court, the Cobb County State Court or Superior Court. Defending a DUI charge may require several court appearances regardless of the court handling your case.
If you were arrested for DUI by a city Police Department in any incorporated city within Cobb County, your case will likely be initiated in that city's municipal court. Municipal Courts have jurisdiction to hear misdemeanor cases, traffic offenses, and local ordinance violations. The cities of Powder Springs, Marietta, Acworth, Austell, Kennesaw, and Smyrna all have municipal courts within Cobb County.
Not all cases begin in city municipal courts. If you were arrested for DUI by a trooper with the Georgia Department of Public Safety, a Cobb County Sheriff's deputy, or if you were arrested in an unincorporated part of Cobb County, your case may begin in the State Court of Cobb County.
If your charges include a felony offense, your case will be heard in the Superior Court of Cobb County. In Georgia, DUI is generally a misdemeanor offense, but a DUI can also be charged as a felony in certain circumstances. A fourth DUI within ten years (if all convictions are since 2008), DUI Serious Injury By Vehicle, Habitual Violator, and DUI Vehicular Homicide and Feticide are all felony offenses.
There are benefits to dealing with a smaller municipal court as opposed to the more formal State or Superior Courts of Cobb County. The courts can be more accessible in terms of rescheduling court appearances and negotiating conditions for pleas. Many municipal courts within Cobb County have also created programs for first time offenders that allow you to take responsibility for the offense but also maintain a clean criminal record. If you successfully complete the requirements of the program, your charges will be dismissed.
Because no conviction will be recorded, you may avoid many of the harsh penalties that are applied by other agencies upon conviction of certain offenses such as the suspension of your driver's license. In some cases, with approval from the prosecutor, the charge may also be expunged (permanently removed) from your criminal record by application to the Georgia Criminal Information Center. Â If you fail to complete the requirements or are charged with committing a new offense before completing program, though, you will face prosecution of the original charges along with any potential consequences of a conviction.
One of these programs is Pretrial Diversion. Smyrna Municipal Court, among many other city courts within Cobb County, have a Pretrial Diversion program for Minor in Possession of Alcohol and misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana charges. Smyrna's Pretrial Diversion program requires the payment of a $450 fee, three clean drug and alcohol urine screens, 20 hours of community service, a clinical evaluation, and a two-page handwritten essay to be completed by the program participant.
Some municipal courts have specific policies in place that are unique to that court. For instance, if your DUI charge is reduced to a Reckless Driving offense in Smyrna Municipal Court, you will likely serve time in jail. It is common for courts to impose similar sentences upon a guilty plea to DUI or Reckless Driving, but while you may serve 24 hours in jail for a first time DUI conviction, you will likely serve 48-72 hours in jail if the DUI charge is reduced to Reckless Driving in the Smyrna Municipal Court.
Your first court appearance will be an arraignment. At arraignment you will go before the judge and you will be advised of the charges against you and informed of your rights. You will also be asked to enter a plea to those charges. You can enter a plea of not guilty, guilty, or nolo contendere. If you plead guilty or nolo contendere, you will be sentenced and your case will be closed. If you plead not guilty, you can discuss your case with the prosecutor and attempt to reach an agreement to resolve your case. If you are unable to reach an agreement, you will be asked if you want a bench trial or a jury trial.
If your case is initiated in a city municipal court, you will have two chances to negotiate a fair and reasonable plea to resolve your case because you are guaranteed the right to transfer your DUI case to the State Court of Cobb County for a jury trial. The municipal court cannot deny this request to transfer your case because municipal courts only have jurisdiction to hold bench trials, which is a trial by judge, but you have a Constitutional right to have a trial by jury, which can be held in the State Court. This does not mean that you must actually proceed with a trial, but instead your case will essentially start over and you will have a second opportunity to negotiate a plea with a new prosecutor and a new judge presiding over the case.
The State Court of Cobb County is the second largest in Georgia in the number of full-time judges and ranks third in the population served. The court now employs twelve full-time judges, all of whom hear DUI cases.
Your first court date in the State Court of Cobb County, whether the case originated in State Court or was transferred from a municipal court, will be an arraignment date.  DUI arraignments in Cobb County are held on Fridays. A formal accusation will be entered for the charges the State will prosecute. You will be advised of your right to an attorney and asked if you wish to apply for a court-appointed attorney. At your first arraignment, you may ask for additional time and the judge will likely allow a one-time continuance of your case to allow you time to hire an attorney. At your second arraignment date, however, you will be expected to have either hired an attorney or ready to proceed without representation.
Motions must be filed at or before your arraignment date or they will be considered out of time. Motion hearings can be used to decide what evidence will be allowed at trial, what witnesses may testify, or to resolve other issues prior to trial.
Plea bargaining can happed at nearly any stage in the criminal process. The prosecutor and your attorney can negotiate the conditions of a plea in the case or even a reduction of the charges against you. Cobb County State Court also has a DUI Court treatment-based program for those who have been convicted multiple times for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Participation in the DUI Court program can be beneficial in terms of sentencing. Participants typically receive reduced jail sentences, fines, and community service as opposed to those who choose not to enter the program.
The DUI Court offers enhanced supervision, counseling, and treatment to help participants function in the community with continuing support and reduce participant recidivism. To be eligible for DUI Court, the pending charge must be your second DUI within a ten-year period or your third lifetime DUI, you must be a Cobb County resident, 17 years of age or older, have no record of prior violent felony offenses, no out of state warrants, and no immigration holds. The program is divided into five phases and participants are promoted based on their individual treatment plans. Participants attend individual treatment sessions as follows: once per week in Phase I, twice per month in Phase II, and once per month in Phases III and IV.
The attendance requirement for all treatment sessions may vary based on the participant's individualized treatment plan. In each phase, participants are required to attend formal support group meetings, such as those offered by Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and SMART Recovery. In Phase I, participants attend four meetings per week; Phases II, III, IV, and V all require three meetings per week. Participants are also required to find a permanent sponsor and meet with that person on a regular basis. Because participation in the program is a condition of probation, the judge can impose sanctions if there are any infractions such as a failed drug or alcohol screen or missed court appearances. Sanctions can range from additional community service or jail time to expulsion from the program.
If a plea agreement cannot be reached in your case, your case will be scheduled for a Calendar Call, which is used by the judge to schedule trials. In a misdemeanor DUI case, you have the choice of a bench trial heard only by a judge or a jury trial heard by six jurors. A bench trial may be a better option if a jury may not be able to fully comprehend the details of the evidence and the science behind your defense.
A trial will proceed in a particular sequence. The prosecution has the burden of proof at trial and must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. First, both the prosecution and defense will make opening statements to the judge or jury. Next, the prosecution will present evidence including any witness testimony followed by the defense. Then, each side will be allowed to make a closing argument. After closing arguments, the judge will read his instructions to the jury in order to inform them of the law as it should be applied to your case. The jury will then deliberate privately until a verdict is reached. If you are found guilty, you will then be sentenced by the judge. If you are found not guilty, you will have been acquitted of the charge and free to leave.
The Marietta Municipal Court is located at 240 Lemon St., Marietta Ga. 30060.  Their phone number is (866) 790-4111.
The Marietta Municipal Court handles all misdemeanor and traffic offenses cited inside the City limits of Marietta Georgia.  The judges of the Court do NOT have jurisdiction over ANYTHING that takes place outside of the city limits and so any cases that take place outside of Marietta proper cannot be heard in this court. DUI Cases in Marietta start in this court.Â
The Acworth Municipal Court is located at 4408 Acworth Industrial Drive, Acworth Georgia 30101.  Its phone number is (770) 974-0965.
Due to the size of the City of Acworth, the Court only hears cases on Thursdays, though the Court Services Building is open for business Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
The Acworth Municipal Court handles all misdemeanor and traffic offenses cited inside the City limits of Acworth Georgia. Â The judges of the Court do NOT have jurisdiction over ANYTHING that takes place outside of the city limits and so any cases that take place outside of Acworth proper cannot be heard in this court. DUI Cases in Acworth state in this court.
The Austell Municipal Court is located at 5000 Austell-Powder Springs Road, Suite 175, Austell, Georgia 30106.  The office number is (770) 944-4304 or (770) 732-7180.
Court sessions are held on Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm. Â The Court has set forth a list of rules for proper behavior in the Courtroom:
- No food or drinks are allowed
- No hats
- Sunglasses should be removed
- Parents with noisy children or babies may be asked to step outside until their case is called
- Proper dress/attire is expected − no shorts, no tank tops, and no halter tops
- All cell phones, beepers, and pagers MUST be turned off
Before entering the courtroom, you will be required to walk through a metal detector at which time your bags or purse may be searched. Â No weapons such as guns, knives, pepper spray, or tools are allowed.
Failure to answer the calendar will result in a $50.00 reset fee and suspension of your Georgia driver's license.
The Austell Municipal Court handles all misdemeanor and traffic offenses cited inside the City limits of Austell Georgia.  The judges of the Court do NOT have jurisdiction over ANYTHING that takes place outside of the city limits and so any cases that occur outside of Austell proper cannot be heard in this court. DUI Case sin Austell start in this court.
The Kennesaw Municipal Court is located at 2529 J O Stephenson Ave NW, Kennesaw, GA 30144.  The office phone number is (770) 429-4531.
Court hearings are held on Tuesday each week, beginning at 2:00 pm, though the office is open from Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm.
The Court advises you to park in public parking spaces only, and not in any local business parking as your car will be towed at your expense.
The Kennesaw Municipal Court handles all misdemeanor and traffic offenses cited inside the City limits of Kennesaw Georgia. Â The judges of the Court do NOT have jurisdiction over ANYTHING that takes place outside of the city limits and so any cases that take place outside of Kennesaw proper cannot be heard in this court. DUI cases in Kennesaw start in this court.
The Powder Springs Municipal Court is located at 4483 Pine View Drive, or PO. Box 46, Powder Springs, GA  30127.  The office phone number is (770) 943-8020.
The Court schedules traffic cases on Wednesday at 5:00 pm, the doors open at 4:15 pm. The Court Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:15 am to 4:45 pm, being closed over the lunch hour.
The Court enforces a strict dress code. Dress must be presentable or the Judge will ask you to leave, no shorts, tank tops, or swim suits. Infants and young children are not allowed in the courtroom, as they can be a disturbance to court proceedings.
The Powder Springs Municipal Court handles all misdemeanor and traffic offenses cited inside the City limits of Powder Springs, Georgia.  The judges of the Court do NOT have jurisdiction over ANYTHING that takes place outside of the city limits and so any cases that take place outside of Powder Springs proper cannot be heard in this court. DUI cases in powder springs start in this court.
The Smyrna Municipal Court is located at 2800 King Street, Smyrna, GA 30080.  The Office phone number is (770) 434-5300.
Traffic Court is held on Tuesday and Thursday of each week in the Council Chambers of Smyrna City Hall commencing at 9:00 am. Trial Traffic Court is held the first Tuesday of the first full week of the month at 4:30 pm. and the first Thursday of the first full week of each month at 9:00 am.
The Court publishes an extensive list of rules for courtroom behavior:
Security Precautions:
- A security checkpoint with a metal detector and an officer with a wand will check for prohibited items. Â The officer should be allowed to search any bags, packages or personal belongings that will be taken into the courtroom. Â Refusal to cooperate may result in denial of entry to your hearing.
- No weapons of any kind (e.g. guns, knives, pepper spray, tools, etc.)
Dressing for Court: If you are appearing in court you should dress nicely and in a manner that shows respect for the court:
- No hats (except those worn for religious purposes)
- Sunglasses need to be removed
- No shorts, no tank tops, no halter tops and no T-shirts depicting violence, sexual acts, profanity or illegal drugs
Other Rules of Court Conduct:
- No food or drinks
- No loud gum chewing
- No reading materials
- Electronic devices shall be turned off (cell phones, laptops, etc.)
Please do not bring children to court unless the court has ordered them to be present. Many topics discussed in the courtroom are not appropriate for children and may be hurtful or confusing. Â There is limited space in the court waiting area. Â If you must bring children with you on your court date, you will be taken into the court room after all defendants have been seen. Â Due to limited space and fire code requirements, only the defendant is permitted in the courtroom. Â Other persons may enter in accordance to fire code limits.
If you have a disability, speak another language or require special accommodations in the courtroom, please call at least 24 hours before your hearing to allow the court time to properly assist you.
The Smyrna Municipal Court handles all misdemeanor and traffic offenses cited inside the City limits of Smyrna, Georgia.  The judges of the Court do NOT have jurisdiction over ANYTHING that takes place outside of the city limits and so any cases that take place outside of Smyrna proper cannot be heard in this court. DUI cases in Smyrna start in this court.
Cobb County State Court is located at 12 East Park Square, Marietta, GA 30090. Â The phone number is (770) 528-2622.
The State Court of Cobb County conducts jury trials on misdemeanor and misdemeanor traffic cases that request a trial by jury. All criminal jury trials in this court are tried before a six-person jury.
Since its inception, the State Court of Cobb County has grown to twelve full-time judges, thirty full-time support staff employees, thirty-six part-time employees and twenty-one full-time employees in a Sentence Enforcement Unit.
In calendar year 2007, the State Court of Cobb led all Georgia state courts in total case filings and dispositions with 163,082 filings and 151,802 case dispositions. The State Court of Cobb County is the second largest in Georgia in the number of full-time judges and ranks third in population served. DUI cases that occur outside of the city limits of any Cobb County municipality start in this court, and all misdemeanor DUI jury trials occur in this court.
Cobb County Superior Court is located at 70 Haynes Street, Marietta, GA 30090. The phone number is (770) 528-1801.
The Superior Court of Cobb County, Georgia is a court of general jurisdiction handling both civil and criminal law actions. The Superior Court has concurrent jurisdiction with State Court over cases involving misdemeanors, contract disputes, premises liability, and various other actions. In addition, the Superior Court has exclusive equity jurisdiction over all cases of divorce, title to land, and felonies involving jury trials, including death penalty cases.
The Superior Court of Cobb County has ten elected judges who preside over jury trials, rule on evidence, hear motions, and render verdicts in bench trials. Each Superior Court Judge is elected to a four-year term. The Superior Court of Cobb County is one of the most innovative courts in the nation, starting the first mandated Mediation Program
In order to properly evaluate your DUI case, an experienced attorney will collect all of the evidence (i.e. police reports, photos, videos, witness statements, chemical test and maintenance records for any testing machines) and will then determine whether there are any issues that could be litigated before or at trial. All Felony DUI cases are handled in this court exclusively.Â
Richard and his team divide case issues into two types, PROCEDURAL ISSUES and EVIDENTIARY ISSUES.
Matters of procedure can sometimes be the most important, and are usually litigated BEFORE trial. These are defenses to the manner in which the investigation was conducted and how you came to be arrested. In Georgia and throughout the entire United States, police officers have to follow certain procedures that are consistent with the United States Constitution and the Georgia law.
A procedural defense is generally one that is presented to the judge BEFORE a trial is even scheduled. Â Richard Lawson and his team of attorneys and staff will prepare written motions to file with the court. Â The motion is a written statement outlining some of the facts and why we believe that the State violated your rights and ultimately asking that the case be dismissed without the need for a trial. Â As you can see, this is a very powerful weapon in the defense attorney's arsenal.A procedural defense is one that raises a question about how the investigation was conducted and whether your rights as a United States and Georgia citizen were violated.
There are many procedural defenses. Â One of them is reasonable suspicion. The question that arises in a case where reasonable suspicion is an issue is did the office have a reasonable, articulable reason for stopping you? (Articulable is one of those legal words that doesn't really exist in the outside means a reason that can be stated...not just a 'funny feeling'). Â A police officer cannot just stop you without a reason. Â If he has a reason, he must be able to state it to the judge and testify to it under oath. Generally stops in DUI cases are made because you have violated some traffic law...violation of most traffic laws constitute reasonable suspicion to make a stop.
However, if the officer did not have a good reason to stop you, and we can convince the judge of that, your case can be dismissed altogether.
A lack of probable cause is another powerful defense. Â In order to place you under arrest in the United States, an officer must have probable cause...that is, he must be able to state that he had sufficient evidence that you had committed a crime. Â Whether the evidence collected by the officer was sufficient or not is a question the judge must decide. We will take the position that the officer DID NOT have enough evidence to arrest you, the State will take the position that the officer DID have enough evidence to arrest you...the judge will decide and if he decides in our favor, the case is dismissed.
Some other procedural defenses include the constitutionality of the roadblock, and the advisement of the implied consent rights in your case.
Again, the best part about procedural arguments is that they are complete defenses to the DUI case. Â That means, when we are successful in presenting these defenses to a judge, the State cannot prosecute the case. Â That is why we recommend investigating every Cobb County DUI arrest.
These procedural defenses are not readily apparent to a person arrested. That is why you need to hire the best DUI Lawyer in Cobb County Georgia.
Every year the Law Office of Richard Lawson sets many of its client's cases for evidentiary hearing, and every year they get many of those cases dismissed after showing that there were errors in the investigation, there wasn't enough evidence, or that the evidence gathered was somehow misleading or tainted. This is one of the best possible outcomes for any DUI client!
Defenses to actual impairment usually take the form of challenges to the field sobriety tests and the state's chemical test (breath, blood, or urine test). The basis of the defense is that YOU WERE NOT DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE. Â You were not impaired. The chemical test is incorrect. Â The breath testing machine was not working correctly or was not calibrated correctly. These defenses usually need the use of an expert witness to challenge the State's evidence. Â The expert is used to explain why the State's position that you were impaired is not correct.
Richard Lawson has, over the years, developed relationships with various highly effective and well respected experts in the areas of impairment, challenges to blood, breath and urine testing procedures and machines, and the field sobriety tests. Â These relationships and experts will play a major role in the defense of your DUI case.
As a former prosecutor himself, Richard Lawson is well aware of and keeps a list of the defense experts that all prosecutors hate having to cross-examine. Â If there is an expert who can blow a hole in the State's case against you, you want that person testifying at your trial, on your side!
If you would like to research defenses to your DUI case, Richard has laid out on this website, some valuable information. Â For more than 25 years, he has developed and studied 50 Defenses to Driving Under the Influence cases in Georgia. Â These defenses are divided between defenses that show you were in fact not impaired and defenses to the procedures the arresting officer followed (or did not follow) in your case.
This website has been written to provide 24 hour Georgia DUI Information. Â The DUI Information in Georgia is updated on a daily basis. Â Sometimes we update the site several times a day. We also provide daily Georgia DUI News in our Georgia DUI Information Blog.
We are a state-wide DUI defense firm. Â We cover all of Metro Atlanta and North Georgia. Our Cobb County Georgia DUI Lawyers are here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days week. In Cobb County it is necessary for your DUI lawyer to explore and investigate all potential defenses in order to get the best possible outcome.
The Top-Rated GEORGIA DUI Lawyer is here to help, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, nights, weekends and holidays. Â We are always here to help guide you through the DUI case process and don't feel you should have to wait until Monday morning. Â Contact us today for immediate legal help.