Lawson and Berry is Georgia's premier DUI defense firm. There are no general practitioners here. Instead, all of our attorneys specialize in DUI law and are experts in their field. Call now and speak with one of our Greensboro GA DUI Lawyers.
30-Day Warning
If you have been charged with DUI in Greensboro, GA or anywhere else in Greene County, you only have 30 days to file a request for an Administrative License Hearing or to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. A failure to request the hearing or install the device will result in the suspension of your Georgia driver's license. The filing fee is $150 if you request the hearing. If you have been accused of refusing the breath, blood, or urine test, your license will be suspended for one year with no chance of a limited permit.
Are You Currently Facing DUI Charges in Greensboro, Georgia?
Facing DUI charges can be an incredibly frightening experience. In Georgia, these types of cases are prosecuted to the fullest extent and can expose a person to harsh legal consequences, including expensive fines, lengthy driver's license suspensions, and even jail time. Additionally, a driver may be required to participate in alcohol and drug treatment programs and complete community service hours. Because the driver's reputation and future hang in the balance after a DUI arrest, knowing who to turn to can be overwhelming. Fortunately, the experienced Greensboro DUI Attorneys at Lawson and Berry make this decision easy.
Our Greensboro DUI Lawyers Have the Experience You Need
Not all attorneys have the broad and comprehensive knowledge and experience that is gained through years of dealing with DUI cases. Lawson and Berry has more than 25 years of dedicated DUI experience and a solid reputation of success. We have defended thousands of clients against all types of DUI charges and can craft a custom-tailored defense for your case. Whether your goal is a reduction or a dismissal of charges, we have the tools you need to accomplish your goal. Our Greensboro DUI lawyers are intimately familiar with the ins and outs of Georgia DUI law and can protect your rights against even the most serious charges.
DUI charges can greatly vary in severity depending on the driver's history of convictions and the unique circumstance surrounding the case. No matter the specifics of your case, our Greensboro DUI attorneys are prepared to defend you against the prosecution's claims. With state-of-the-art legal resources and in-depth knowledge of DUI case law in Georgia, our attorneys use their invaluable experience to craft a persuasive defense on your behalf. We have many former prosecutors on our team, we can anticipate the opposition's strategy and aggressively corner their approach. Our experience allows us to stay one step ahead at all times.
Your Future is At Stake, Contact Us Today
The chances of you securing a positive outcome for your case are only as good as the team on your side. By retaining the DUI attorneys at Lawson and Berry, we promise to use our vast legal knowledge and passion to prove your innocence or reduce your charges. Without our help, expect to face serious penalties such as imprisonment, probation, driver's license suspension, and much more. Call now and speak with a Greensboro DUI Attorney that can give you insightful information and resources when dealing with a DUI charge.
Greensboro GA Municipal Court
If you received a traffic citation or a misdemeanor charge within the city limits of Greensboro, GA, your case will proceed in Greensboro Municipal Court. Greensboro Georgia Municipal Court is located at 1141 Siloam Road, Greensboro, GA 30642. Judge Dexter Winbush is the presiding judge, and Catherine C. Jordon is the Clerk of Court. Court is generally held on the 1st Monday and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. For court information or any questions, call (706) 453-7555. Choose a qualified Greensboro GA DUI Lawyer from Lawson and Berry today.
Map to Greensboro Municipal Court
Contact an Aggressive DUI Defense Lawyer Today!
If arrested for DUI in Greensboro, GA, you should contact one of our DUI lawyers immediately after the arrest. The penalties can include the loss of driving privileges, fines, and possible jail terms. However, greater penalties can also apply for multiple DUI violations. We will defend your license and make sure your rights and driving privileges are protected. Contact a DUI lawyer in Greensboro, GA quickly, as timing is vital in DUI cases.