Mount Zion GA DUI Lawyer – Mount Zion GA DUI Attorney
Mt. Zion GA DUI Lawyer – Mt. Zion GA DUI Attorney
Expert Mount Zion DUI Defense
The Law Office of Richard Lawson is a legal firm exclusively dedicated to DUI Defense. Richard Lawson is a former DUI prosecutor with over 25 years' experience in Georgia DUI law. He is the top-rated DUI attorney in Georgia, as rated by Avvo. Please check out his reviews here and contact our office for a free consultation and evaluation of your case.
Thirty-Day Warning!
If you were arrested for DUI in Mount Zion, or elsewhere in Carroll County, you should be aware that you or your Mount Zion GA DUI Lawyer must file an Administrative License Suspension (ALS) request or install an ignition interlock device within thirty days of your arrest to prevent your driver's license from suspension. If the hearing or interlock device is not requested or is not requested within the thirty-day timeframe, your Georgia driver's license will automatically be suspended for up to one year.
If you have been accused of refusing the State's chemical test of your breath, blood, or urine, understand your Georgia driver's license will be suspended for one year with no opportunity for a restricted permit or early reinstatement. Contact one of our Mount Zion Georgia DUI Attorneys as soon as possible after your arrest so they can request your ALS hearing and keep you driving!
Failed Field Sobriety Tests
In Georgia, DUI involves a surprising amount of scientific and technical evidence. There are many issues that may be challenged, including field sobriety test administration.
As your Mount Zion GA DUI Lawyers, we will carefully investigate the circumstances of your field sobriety test to search for opportunities to challenge the result. Remember, our Mount Zion Georgia DUI Lawyers will give you a free consultation to discuss your case.
Field sobriety tests are not exactly scientific. As a former Georgia DUI prosecutor, Richard Lawson knows how to pick apart the prosecution's case and highlight issues they might overlook. For example:
- You could be taking medication or have an injury or disability that shows a false positive result.
- During the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, if your eyes jerked, law enforcement will report that it is because of alcohol consumption. However, there are other reasons besides alcohol that can make your eyes jerk.
- If the field sobriety test is performed under stressful conditions where anyone could fail, whether you had been drinking or not.
- Some field sobriety tests are not videotaped, and therefore, are based on the police officer's subjective interpretation.
A lot of people think they have no choice but to perform field sobriety tests. However, Georgia does not require you to take these tests. If the law-enforcement officer did not tell you that performing the tests was voluntary, your Mount Zion GA DUI Attorney could work to suppress the results.
Breathalyzer Tests
Just because you failed your breath test does not mean that you can be convicted of DUI. Your Mount Zion Georgia DUI Lawyer will carefully investigate your breast test results to look for opportunities to challenge them.
Your Mount Zion GA DUI Attorney will know how to evaluate the State's case and uncover any issues the prosecutor might have missed. For example:
- Georgia uses the Intoxilyzer 9000 breath testing machine (or breathalyzer). Your Mount Zion Georgia DUI Attorney can challenge any technical issues unique to this particular device.
- There are strict requirements and procedures that law-enforcement officers must follow when administering breath tests. If the officer who administered your breath test did not follow proper procedures in your case, any results might be inadmissible in court.
- The Intoxilyzer 9000 may not have been calibrated at the time of your test, or the machine may not have been properly maintained.
- It takes time for alcohol to absorb into your system. If you had a couple of drinks before you were pulled over, you may have tested below the legal limit at the time of the stop, but will possibly over the limit later on when the test was given.
If you refuse to take a chemical test of your breath, blood, or urine in Georgia, you face a license suspension for one full year. However, submitting to testing and coming on over the legal limit does not automatically mean a conviction.
Also, you should not believe everything you read on the Internet about breath tests, as they may be inaccurate or out-of-date. Georgia DUI law is ever-changing, so it is best to discuss your case with a qualified Mount Zion GA DUI Lawyer who keeps up with all the changes. That is why it is so important to choose a DUI specialist to handle your case. General law practitioners often try to do a little bit of every kind of law and are, in reality, not very good at any of them. You may have heard the phrase, “Jack of all trades, master of none, right?” Exactly.
Mount Zion GA Municipal Court
Mount Zion Municipal Court is responsible for handling ordinance and traffic violations that occur within the city limits of Mount Zion. Timothy A. McCreary is the Municipal Court Judge, and April Fordham is the Clerk of Court. Court is held at 4455 Mount Zion Road, Mount Zion, GA 30117. Please call (770) 832-1622 for more information and contact a DUI Lawyer in Mount Zion GA today!
Map to Mount Zion GA Municipal Court
The Clock is Ticking
So you have been arrested for DUI in Mount Zion GA, and you have no idea what to do next. Selecting the right Mount Zion Georgia DUI Attorney is serious business, but you do not have time to waste. Contact one of the Mount Zion GA DUI Attorneys with the Law Office of Richard Lawson as soon as possible after your arrest to get your defense rolling. Sitting around waiting and hoping your charges will magically go away will get you nowhere. Skilled Mount Zion Georgia DUI Lawyers are waiting to take your call and discuss your case right this minute. You have nothing to lose with a free consultation and everything to gain with the best in DUI Defense!
Mount Zion GA DUI Resources
Carroll County GA Sheriff’s Department
Administrative Office of the Courts
Georgia Department of Driver Services
Wikipedia of Mount Zion Georgia