Cumming GA DUI Lawyer – Cumming GA DUI Attorney
Richard Lawson is a former DUI Prosecutor with over 25 years' experience in Georgia DUI law. His firm, the Law Office of Richard Lawson is exclusively devoted to DUI Defense. Richard is the top-rated DUI lawyer in Georgia by the attorney rating site Avvo. Please check out his reviews there and contact our office for a hassle-free, no-cost case evaluation.
30-Day Warning!
If you were arrested for DUI in Cumming GA, or anywhere in Forsyth County, you must be aware that you only have thirty days from the date of your arrest to save your Georgia driver's license from suspension. You or your Cumming Georgia DUI Lawyer must pay $150 to file an Administrative License Suspension (ALS) hearing request or a request for an ignition interlock device. If this hearing or device is not requested, you can expect your Georgia driver's license to be suspended automatically.
If you refuse the State's chemical test of your breath, blood, or urine, your Georgia driver's license will be suspended for one full year, no exceptions, limited permit, or early reinstatement. Contact the Law Office of Richard Lawson right away to speak with one of our experienced Cumming GA DUI Attorneys. A Cumming Georgia DUI charge is no joke, and you have a lot at stake.
Cumming GA DUI Defense:
DUI is, unfortunately, a common charge, and the punishments are quite serious. A Cumming GA DUI charge can have a significant impact on your employment, finances, and freedom.
However, a DUI arrest does not mean you are guilty, or that you will be convicted. Unless you plead guilty, the Prosecution must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. A skilled Cumming GA DUI Lawyer can contest your DUI charge, and the evidence used to back it up. Your Cumming GA DUI Attorney can challenge field sobriety and chemical testing because those tests are not perfect or above being challenged. The testimony of the arresting officer can also be challenged. A seasoned DUI Lawyer in Cumming GA can help you fight your charges and get your life back on track.
If you are accused of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, a Cumming GA DUI Attorney from the Law Office of Richard Lawson can protect your rights. Our Cumming Georgia DUI Lawyers can push back against your DUI charge by using our more than 30 years of combined experience to advocate for your best interests. We can get you the best outcome possible by challenging the details of your arrest or test results. By choosing a Cumming GA DUI Attorney from the Law Office of Richard Lawson, we will also represent you in any legal hearings that are related to your DUI charge (such as your ALS hearing).
Georgia DUI Laws:
In Georgia, it is against the law to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or with a blood-alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or more, or with controlled substances in the blood or urine (including prescription drugs).
Under Georgia law, it is always illegal to drive with a BAC above .08. Although many people think that to have a BAC of .08, a person must consume more than two or more drinks. However, it is crucial to remember that BAC widely varies and depends on a person's height, sex, and weight, among many factors. A person under the age of 21 may face DUI charges if their BAC is .02 or more.
In some cases, an adult can be charged with DUI even if their BAC is below .08, and the police still charge that you were under the influence while operating a motor vehicle. For example, even if your chemical test result is a .07 BAC, the officer can still testify that you were slurring your speech, had an unsteady gait, or seemed generally disoriented. All those may be used as evidence against you in court.
Georgia law is also particularly hard on those charged with DUI and drugs. If testing shows you have drugs in your system, you could face DUI charges regardless of the fact that some substances stay in an individual's system for weeks, long after any effect has worn off.
Test Refusal:
Law enforcement has a few different ways to test for alcohol in a person's body, including breath, blood, and urine. Breath testing is the most common by far, as many officers carry portable breath-testing devices to test motorists roadside. They may also conduct field sobriety tests.
It is your constitutional right to refuse DUI testing, and by doing so, you deprive the Prosecution valuable evidence in the case against you. Since they must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, without evidence, they may not be able to secure a conviction.
However, refusing to test is not without cost. Georgia has “implied consent,” meaning you agreed to DUI testing as a condition to get a driver's license. The refusal has civil penalties: your license will be suspended for one full year. That is what is referred to as a “hard suspension,” meaning there is no limited permit or early reinstatement.
If you requested an ALS hearing, your Cumming GA DUI Lawyer could challenge your driver's license suspension. However, you must act quickly, as you only have thirty days to do so. Contact a Cumming GA DUI Attorney right away so they can get started crafting your defense!
Cumming GA Municipal Court:
The Municipal Court of Cumming is responsible for handling city ordinance and traffic violations that occur within Cumming's city limits. The Honorable Richard Neville is the Municipal Court Judge, and Cyndi Pruitt is the Chief Clerk of Court. Court is held at 301 Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Cumming, GA 30040. Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM. For court dates and times, call (770) 781-2002.
Map to Cumming GA Municipal Court:
Make the Call:
Contact our office today to consult with a highly qualified Cumming GA DUI Lawyer who can advise you on how to get the best outcome for your Cumming DUI case. Our team of Cumming GA DUI Attorneys will go over every single minute detail of your case and arrest to determine the best defense strategy. Always be honest with your Cumming GA DUI Lawyer and never be too embarrassed to tell them everything that happened. Our Cumming Georgia DUI Lawyers are professionals and will put you at ease. Do not pick just any random Cumming Georgia DUI Attorney from the Internet, from the phone book, or even a family friend. Do your research to find the best Cumming GA DUI Attorney for your case, and you will see the Law Office of Richard Lawson is just what you are looking for!
Cumming GA DUI Resources:
Forsyth County Georgia Sheriff
Administrative Office of the Courts