There are two types of courts your traffic ticket might be: a Municipal Court or a County Court. Municipal courts prosecute tickets for a single city whereas county courts prosecute tickets for the whole county. You can tell which type of court is prosecuting your case by its name. For example, City of Atlanta Municipal Court prosecutes tickets for the City of Atlanta while Fulton County Magistrate, State, and Superior Courts prosecute tickets for the entire Fulton County. It is also possible to transfer your case from a municipal court to a county court. However, it is not possible to transfer our case from a county court to a municipal court.
Georgia Traffic Ticket Attorneys are familiar with both municipal and county courts throughout the state of Georgia. It is important to know which type of court is prosecuting your ticket in order to determine the best way to go about handling it and getting the best outcome. Since Georgia Traffic Ticket Lawyers are familiar with both we can represent you and get the best outcome in municipal or county courts in Georgia.
If your case starts in a municipal court it would be advantageous to keep it there. Municipal courts are more interested in receiving your fine amount. A Georgia Traffic Ticket Attorney can negotiate with the prosecutor and get your charge reduced so that no points are added to your license and your ticket will not be reported to your insurance company. Some municipal courts may also require that you complete a defensive driving course in order to receive the reduction. Your fine will usually remain the same however, once you have completed the course your charge may be reduced so that you do not accumulate any points on your driver's license, it will not be on your record, and your insurance company will not see it.
A reduced charge is different from pleading nolo contendere. In my experience, I have seen many people come to court and tell the judge that they will plead nolo because they do not want points on their license. However, if you plead nolo the charge will still go on your driving history and your insurance record will see it. If you hire a Georgia Traffic Ticket Lawyer he may get your charge reduced so that you do not receive any points. In addition, he may help so that the case will not go on your driving record. If the case is never reported on your driving record (unlike with a no contest plea), your insurance company will never see it and will not raise your insurance premiums or cancel your coverage.
If you happen to get a traffic ticket in Georgia call us. Our experts will do our best to resolve your citation without a conviction. Call now!
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