According to the AJC, Falcons running back Jason Snelling was arrested for possession of marijuana, possession of drug-related objects, no drivers license on person, and failure to maintain lane (presumably the basis of the initial traffic stop). Snelling admitted to possessing the drug, which was found in his center console.
Snelling admitted to smoking marijuana earlier and smelled of it. Interestingly, he put himself at great risk of a Drug DUI based on the possession of marijuana. Many people are arrested for DUI Marijuana without being actually impaired by the drug.
Inactive metabolites of the THC remain in a person's blood for up to 30 days from consumption. Our crime lab does not test for the active metabolites of the drug in order to determine impairment. As a result, people who are not impaired are sometimes caught up in a Marijuana DUI because of usage many hours before the traffic stop.
There are steps you can take to protect yourself from an unjust arrest. If you are arrested for DUI, under the Georgia implied consent law you must take the chemical test requested by the arresting officer. Once you take their test, you are entitled to an additional chemical test at your own expense. You have the right to choose any qualified person. Remember, you cannot choose what test the officers gives you. You can ask for your own test once agreeing to his test.
Since our crime lab does not test for active metabolites of the THC, it is important to get an independent laboratory test that will test of active metabolites. Only active metabolites of the marijuana can have an impairing affect on the human body. Since many factors, such as being tired, can mimic impairment and it is important to get independent testing as part of your DUI defense.
It has been reported on 11-16-13 that Snelling will not play in this Sunday's game. Falcons team management has publicly expressed disappointment with the arrest.
If you have been charged with possession of marijuana or DUI throughout Georgia, our experts are here to help 24/7. Contact us for your best defense!!
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