If you are on probation in the City of Atlanta or Fulton County, your life in on a short leash. You will be required to report to your probation officer as directed, pay fines, perform community service, attend DUI School, attend counseling sessions, attend a victim impact panel (MADD Mothers Victim Impact Panel), and pay probation supervision fees.
As anyone could see, there are plenty of opportunities to make mistakes. Life is a series or mistakes and misunderstandings. In ordinary life, there are few consequences when mistakes are made. However, mistakes while on probation are called probation violations. Probation violations result in Probation Revocation Hearings. In the event of a violation, contact Atlanta DUI Attorney Richard Lawson.
At a Probation Revocation Hearing, the balance of your probation can be revoked. That means that you can be sent to jail for the remainder of your sentence. In addition, if you are on first offender, your status as a first offender can also be revoked. That means that your differed adjudication can be revoked as well. That means the offense will go on your permanent records. This can be a major problem in the event you are on felony first offender because you will be a convicted felon for the rest of your life.
The standard of proof in a violation of probation is only a preponderance of the evidence, not beyond a reasonable doubt as in a criminal case. That means that the Atlanta Prosecutors only have to show it is more likely than not that a violation occurred. Your Atlanta DUI Attorney can fight the violation of probation or negotiate a settlement of the violation.
Violations of probation can be based on violating the criminal laws in Georgia or technical violations of probation. If you are arrested for a new offense, such as DUI, your entire probation can be revoked. Other violations are technical. Technical violations are violations that occur when a person does not fulfill the terms of their sentence, such as completing community service or payment of fines. Both violations are serious, but most DUI Attorneys in Atlanta agree that a new arrest is more serious. Most DUI Lawyers in Atlanta also agree that you need to hire your Atlanta DUI Lawyer before you are picked up on a probation warrant.
So, in you are on Probation in the City of Atlanta or if you are on Probation in Georgia, and you are charged with violating your probation, contact the Georgia Probation Experts. Your Atlanta Probation Violation Experts are here to help 24 hours a day. Contact Atlanta DUI Lawyer Richard Lawson today.
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