The short answer is “yes;” however the Georgia DUI Lawyers at my office can help prevent you from going to jail.
When a person “bonds out” for a criminal offense in Georgia, their release is conditional. The conditions of the release always include that he or she “shall not violate the laws of any governmental unit.”
As a result, a new DUI arrest (or any arrest for that matter) is a clear violation of a person's conditional release.
It has become a recent trend for Georgia Prosecutors to file a motion to revoke the bond of a person accused of a second DUI, while their first DUI is still pending. Frankly, there is good reason for this trend. The job of a prosecutor is to protect the general public from someone who has become a threat.
Our Job as Georgia DUI Attorneys is to help our clients avoid a bond revocation, while assuring the State that public safety will not be compromised. We do so by agreeing to have additional, more strict, conditions placed on our client's bond.
One of the ways we assure the prosecution that our clients can be trusted to remain free on bond is to have our clients enroll in a structured alcohol and drug treatment program. Sometimes these programs are “inpatient” and sometimes they are intensive “outpatient” programs. Either way, the State has a right to know that the accused is no longer a threat to public safety.
Other options available include having an ignition interlock device placed on our client's car, or even the use of a SCRAM device (an ankle monitor that detects alcohol through perspiration).
The point is that there are viable options to incarceration. Never face a bond revocation without our help. We can help you find an alternative to spending time in jail.
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