According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Frank Circelli of the Gem Shopping Network has been arrested twice for DUI in Gwinnett County. The arrests happened in Suwanee, a city inside Gwinnett County.
Two DUI arrests in a short period of time is a very serious matter that can result in loss of license and incarceration. Assuming these are the only DUI arrests he has ever had, he would fall under the brand new 2013 Second Georgia DUI Laws that went into affect January 1, 2013.
Of course, as I said with the arrest of Amanda Davis, no one should assume the guilt of any person arrested for DUI in Gwinnett County, or any other city or county in Georgia. Frank Circelli is presumed innocent, and that presumption remains with him until is proven guilty or enters a plea of guilty to either charge.
I take issue with the article in the AJC because it is very one-sided. It mentioned the allegations and some of the evidence against Mr. Circelli without any quote from a Gwinnett County DUI Attorney about any potential explanations for the driving or the appearance of intoxication. The only quotes are from the police who arrested him.
As a Gwinnett County DUI Lawyer, we never assume guilt. There are many potential explanations for apparent intoxication. There are many explanations for poor driving as well. As for the alleged narcotic founds, has anyone even asked the question as to whether he had a legal prescription?
If you have been arrested for a Gwinnett County DUI, contact our office today. We are here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We will investigate your case and look for ways to defend you.
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