According to reports, a local high school teacher was arrested after being accused of bringing marijuana into Hartsfield Jackson International Airport.
Drug possession is a commonly related crime to the offense of DUI in Georgia. Typically a traffic violation will lead to a deeper investigation for drugs or driving under the influence. As a Georgia DUI Attorney, I will outline the law behind possession of marijuana in today's post as it is commonly associated with DUI charges.
Possession of Marijuana in Georgia
The crime of possession of marijuana in Georgia is defined in O.C.G.A. §16-13-30 as:
It is unlawful for any person to possess, have under his or her control, manufacture, deliver, distribute, dispense, administer, purchase, sell, or possess with intent to distribute marijuana.
The penalty for being caught with less than one ounce of marijuana is up to $1,000 in fines and a prison term of up to one year. The crime is classified as a misdemeanor. However, the penalty for being caught with greater than one ounce of marijuana will be classified as a felony, and the consequences will include fines and possible confinement between one and ten years in prison.
Regardless of the city ordinances and the lowered fines or lack of jail time - the reality is that marijuana is still illegal in the state of Georgia.
Practice Note
We specialize in all offenses related to drugs and alcohol in the state of Georgia. Call our offices now if you or a loved one has been arrested.
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