Georgia DUI Laws are confusing and as a Georgia DUI Lawyer, I will outline some of the misunderstandings in today's post. These misunderstandings and misconceptions about Georgia DUI are all the more reason to hire experienced and successful representation for your DUI in Georgia.
(1) I can drive until my court date.
A person only has 30 days to file their appeal or else his or her license will be suspended. Unfortunately, sometimes police officers will tell people that they can drive on the permit given to them (usually a DDS-1205) all the way until their court date. In some counties, a person's DUI court date isn't for several months. A DDS-1205 is merely a 45-day driving permit - on day 46, the permit expires and your license is suspended unless you have filed your appeal.Â
Bottom line, you only have 30 days from the exact date of your arrest to file an appeal of your driver's license suspension or elect to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. This appeal results in a Georgia ALS Hearing before the Office of State Administrative Hearings. The purpose of the hearing is to appeal the suspension of your license so that you can continue to drive legally on Georgia roadways.
(2) I know someone who will help me get my DUI dismissed.
Many people erroneously believe that if they are powerful members of the community or if they know political figures that they have enough influence to get their charges reduced or dismissed.Â
DUIs are taken very seriously in Georgia. We have some of the harshest DUI Laws in the country, and DUIs carry a lot of stigma. No amount of power or influence will help in the state's decision about whether or not you are guilty of DUI. Â
(3) A lawyer is a guarantee that my case is going to be dismissed.
Yes, hiring an attorney is important and essential to have a chance at the best outcome in your case. However, no attorney can guarantee any particular outcome.Â
The decision to dismiss or reduce your DUI case is completely left up to the prosecution. However, you do have a much better chance at a reduction or a dismissal if you are represented by a Georgia DUI Attorney. I've written posts about the concept of lawyers guaranteeing outcomes. Never believe an attorney who guarantees or promises a certain result in court regarding your case. Our attorneys will never guarantee an outcome just to get your business.
Practice Note
We specialize in Georgia DUI Defense. There are many different DUI Defenses in Georgia that may apply to your case if you have been arrested for DUI in Georgia, and we will take the time to investigate all aspects of your case in order to determine which ones are right for you.Â
If you or a loved has been arrested for DUI or a DUI related offense in Georgia, contact us today.
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