Drink less; lose weight; save money; be kind to others; get more rest; follow the golden rule. These are just some of the many new year's resolutions we all make, yet, we all rarely keep our promises.
Zig Ziglar once said: “Never make a promise without a plan.” His point is that without direction, a new year's resolution is no more than just a fleeting desire.
Recognizing When You Have a Problem with Alcohol of Drugs:
When a person resolves to make a change, that presupposes that he or she knows they have a problem. When a person is overweight, the problem is outwardly apparent. However, identifying whether a person has a problem with alcohol or drugs is more problematic.
I speak to almost a hundred people a week. Many callers have had more than one DUI arrest in their lifetime. Their current arrest may cause them to lose their job and even their home, yet many of the same callers tell me they do not have a problem with alcohol. In essence, they are telling me they are not an alcoholic.
I cannot diagnose someone with alcoholism. I am not a doctor, and I do not play one on TV. That being said, I have a simple definition as to what is a problem. When something puts yours job and your relationships at risk, that is a problem.
Do not live in denial. If you define something as a problem as I do, that is the first step in taking control of your life. Managing your life is the first step in changing it.
An elephant cannot help being an elephant. Animals cannot change or adapt. Only a human being can engage in self-reflection and as a result change.
During World War II the Japanese were as fanatical as today's jihadists. Yet, in a few short years, and through the grace of American forgiveness and help, a new moderate Japan rose out of the ashes of Imperial Japan.
Human beings can change when we recognize our faults and problems and develop a self-improvement plan.
At our office, we help people charged with Georgia DUI Cases. If you have been arrested our Georgia DUI Attorneys are here to help; call us. If you are lucky enough to have dodged legal trouble, get on a plan to change before something bad happens.
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