2nd DUI Penalties in Georgia
A 2nd DUI within 10 years in Georgia carries harsh penalties and consequences. The maximum penalty for a second DUI conviction in Georgia is 12 months incarceration and a $1,000.00 fine plus court surcharges. The minimum penalty is 72 hours in jail, with credit for time served after arrest, and a $600.00 fine. Other mandatory requirements are 30 days (240 hours) community service, DUI school, 12 months probation less any time served in jail, and a clinical evaluation and any recommended substance abuse treatment. This is why a second Georgia DUI is so serious.
If this is your 2nd DUI conviction within 5 years, however, there are additional penalties. There is a $25.00 fee to publish a notice of your conviction and your photograph in your county newspaper. You will also be required to surrender the license plates to any vehicle registered in your name. You will also be required to install an ignition interlock device in each of your vehicles for a minimum period of 6 months.
If this is your Second DUI in 10 years, but your prior DUI conviction was more than 5 years ago, the Department of Driver Services will consider the conviction as a first offense for license suspension purposes and suspend your driver’s license or privileges for a period of one year. If DUI Risk Reduction course has been completed, you will be eligible for full reinstatement of your driver’s license or privileges to drive within the State after 120 days.
If you are 21 or older, you will be eligible for a limited use driving permit during the license suspension period that will allow you to drive to work, school, substance abuse counseling, DUI school, and to seek medical care and treatment, and to pick up prescription medications. If you are under the age of 21, however, you are not eligible for a limited-use driving permit.
For a Second DUI conviction within 5 years, the maximum license suspension is 3 years. You cannot get a limited use permit during the first 12 months of the suspension period. After the 12-month hard suspension, you can apply for an ignition interlock permit, provided you have completed DUI School and a clinical evaluation as well as any recommended substance abuse treatment.
The ignition interlock permit allows you to drive a vehicle with a certified ignition interlock device installed for a 6-month period. After this 18-month period, you will be eligible for early reinstatement of your full driving privileges.
If you are arrested for a second DUI in Georgia, it’s a very serious matter. You need to take immediate steps to protect your right to drive and your freedom. Put our experience to work for you. Our Georgia DUI Lawyers exclusively practice DUI Law in Georgia. Our Georgia DUI Attorneys are here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact us now.
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