Our wish this holiday season is to take more time during the year to be thankful for others. We should not wait until a holiday to give thanks to others or thanks to God.
We are all encouraged to exercise daily. We set our fitness watches to remind us to walk 10,000 steps a day. However, we need a holiday to remind ourselves to "exercise" our feeling of thankfulness.
People who feel blessed usually are happier and healthier. Individuals who feel the need to keep up with others are generally unhappy.
Take a few minutes each day to remember that just by being born in the United States means you and your family have already won life's lottery. Our remarkable country is the envy of the world.
As we peacefully transition power from one leader to another, think of all the places on planet earth where that does not happen. Think of all the places on earth where people are ruled by dictators that hold power through fear, oppression, and violence.
We live in a country where a single individual can exercise his or her rights to make the entire government prove a case. I am so thankful and have such admiration for our founders who showed the foresight, wisdom, and genius to give us this system of government.
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