Labor Day weekend is upon us! Unfortunately, it's the last hurrah that officially ends summertime, and while most of us will not be working, Georgia's law enforcement agencies and officers will be hard at work. People all over the state of Georgia will be traveling to the lake, a last-minute vacation, or to a friend's for a barbecue. If you are traveling in or through Georgia anytime this weekend, you will likely see a significant increase in law enforcement by the Georgia State Patrol and other local agencies. All of them will be on the lookout for impaired drivers and other potential dangers.
Last year's Labor Day holiday weekend yielded 650 car crashes that resulted in 338 injuries and 14 traffic deaths. The Georgia State Patrol arrested 238 persons for DUI, handed out 8,604 tickets, and gave 15,208 warnings.
The Georgia State Patrol and other law enforcement agencies want to make the holiday weekend as safe as possible so they will be on high visibility roads such as Interstates 75, 85, and 20. They will be watching for anyone driving under the influence, distracted, not wearing a seatbelt, and anything else that could cause an accident.
The statewide “Operation Zero Tolerance” campaign has been launched in conjunction with the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign. If a driver is over the legal limit, they will be arrested.
However, Labor Day weekend safety is not just about being safe on the roads. Georgia has many beautiful lakes and coastal areas, and they are great places to visit, have fun with family and friends, and cool off from the summer heat. Whether you are going to Lake Lanier, Lake Allatoona, Lake Sinclair, West Point Lake, or Carters Lake this weekend, please remember to stay safe. Boating Under the Influence or BUI, is a very dangerous and very serious crime. Everyone knows one should not drink and drive. This rule applies to boating as well. Anything you are driving or operating should be done so sober and leave the alcohol behind. Also, anyone on a boat or any watercraft should wear a life jacket. Most people that drown from boating accidents were not wearing or using a life jacket or other flotation device.
Whatever you do this weekend to have fun, remember to stay safe. Happy Labor Day weekend from the Law Offices of Richard Lawson!
Terence Chang Reply
Posted Aug 27, 2014 at 13:52:36
Great advice for people who are likely drinking a lot over holiday weekend. DUI is a big problem in Phoenix area. I hope people are taking this matter seriously. Hurting people over alcohol is just not worth.
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