Whether driving in Georgia or California, some laws are universal such as stopping at stop signs, going forward on green, or driving on the right side of the road. However, there are some traffic laws of which many Georgia drivers may be unfamiliar, and ignorance of the law is not a defense, even for a minor traffic offense. You can still receive a traffic ticket for offenses that are rarely enforced. Â
Georgia Traffic Laws That You May Not be Familiar With:
- Driving with headphones in both ears is illegal. When on the road, it is important for drivers to be able to hear road noise, honks or sirens from emergency vehicles, and other vehicles on the road. Wearing headphones or ear buds limits your ability to hear these sounds, and therefore, Georgia outlaws the practice. One thing to take note of is that it is only illegal to wear headphones over both ears. If you only have one ear bud in or headphones over one ear, then you are not breaking the law.Â
- Texting is illegal at any time while you are driving. Many people are aware that texting is illegal while driving. However, many people may not know that the vehicle does not have to be in motion for you to receive a ticket. If a driver is texting at a stoplight, then they can still be given a ticket. The only time you can text is when the vehicle is in "park," and placing a vehicle in "park" at a stop light is also illegal and can result in a ticket for impeding the flow of traffic.
- Drivers under 18 are prohibited from all cell phone use while driving. Georgia law prohibits drivers under 18 from either handheld or hands-free cell phone use while driving. This includes while being stopped at a traffic light. Driver's under the age of 18 must be legally parked to place a call, even if it is hands-free.  Â
Last clear chance law. Even if you are not at fault in an accident, you can still be held liable if you have the last clear chance to avoid an accident and fail to do so.
Example: A man was driving along, and another car ran a red light and was headed straight for him. The man could have avoided the accident by swerving off the road into a parking lot, but he does not. The defendant could argue that the man had the last clear chance to avoid the accident by swerving into the parking lot, and because he did not, then he would not recover damages against the other driver.
- Do not drive slowly in the left lane. If you are driving in the left lane of an interstate or highway in Georgia, you must move over into another lane if a faster car comes up behind you. It does not matter whether you are going the speed limit; regardless you must still get over. Interestingly, even a person exceeding the speed limit must move over to allow a fast driver to pass. Â
Contact Us:
Being knowledgeable of your state's traffic laws is very important. You put yourself and others at risk when you get behind the wheel of a car without knowing the laws. If you or a loved one has been charged with a traffic violation in Georgia, you need legal representation. Lawson and Berry and their team of Georgia Traffic Attorneys have decades of experience and are ready to assist with your case. Contact them today for a free case evaluation.Â
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