If you receive a traffic citation in GA but live out-of-state, you most likely do not want to come back to Georgia just to come to your court date. Some people do not have time to take off from work and family obligations to travel to Georgia for their court date. Others cannot afford the monetary burden of missing work to travel back to Georgia for their court date.
However, if you miss your court date you can and will receive a bench warrant for your arrest for failure to appear. Your privilege to drive in Georgia can also be suspended for a FTA. Your home state may or may not honor the suspension. If honored, your license will remain suspended until the case is resolved in Georgia.
For some traffic tickets you can just pay the fine amount by telephone or sometimes on the Internet. However, this could result in the accumulation of points on your license that can have varying consequences, as Georgia will report the conviction to your home state.
Neither of these options sound particularly enticing however, Georgia Traffic Ticket Attorneys can represent you for your traffic citation. Georgia Traffic Ticket Lawyers are able to go to court and represent you without you coming to Georgia for your court date. This will allow you to avoid getting a bench warrant for your arrest for failure to appear and you would not need to be present for your court date. In addition, your Georgia Traffic Ticket Attorney will negotiate your ticket with the prosecutor. During the negotiation the Georgia Traffic Ticket Lawyer will try to get your ticket reduced to a lesser charge. This reduction would result in less or no points being reported to the Department of Drivers Safety, your home state, or your insurance company.
Furthermore, our office can arrange to handle your case without the need for you to appear. We can file a plea in your absence. This is called a “plea in absentia.” A plea in absentia is a document used by your lawyer to allow you to be excused from court. Once signed and notarized, our office can represent you in court as if you appeared yourself. This will allow us to get you the outcome you need without the need for you to appear.
Once signed, you can send a certified check or money order along with your plea document. We will then appear in court for you and close your case.
One of the things that we make sure is that the disposition of the case is recorded correctly in order to make sure it is properly reported to your home state. It's important to get it right the first time in order to make sure that you don't need legal representation in your home state to correct any errors.
Contact our office now. We can handle your case without you having to come back to Georgia. We can help you avoid points on your license or even a license suspension.
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