“DUI Court” in Georgia refers to a treatment program for repeat DUI offenders. In lieu of severe punishment, people can opt to agree to a court-supervised treatment program. The program is rigorous and failure to comply with the program guidelines can result in severe sanctions, including time in jail.
That being said, every person arrested in unincorporated Cherokee County GA has their initial arraignment in the DUI Court. This is confusing since the program is for repeat offenders.
There is, however, no need for alarm. When a person is arrested, the prosecutor and the court do not immediately know if a person is a first time DUI offender or has had multiple prior offenses. As a result, all cases start in DUI Court so a determination can be made if a person qualifies to be in the program.
If a person is a first time offender, their case will be moved to a regular arraignment calendar in State Court. That being said, do not delay in hiring a Cherokee County DUI Attorney because you only have 10 days to file your ALS appeal to save your privilege to drive. Even if your arraignment is weeks or months later, the 10-day rule applies to any person arrested for DUI in the State of Georgia.
If a person has had prior offenses, they will qualify for the program. However, no person should agree to participate in it before having a qualified Cherokee County DUI Lawyer evaluate his or her case for potential defenses.
Once in the program, it's virtually impossible to get out. That is why anyone accused of DUI should make sure that no stone is left unturned before agreeing to any plea. Once a case is closed, almost nothing can be done to help a person who wants to change his or her mind as to whether their participation in the program is a good idea. In fact, any participant who fails to succeed will have their probation revoked and as a result would serve the remainder of their sentence in jail.
Further, there are driver's license consequences to any plea or to the decision to fight a case. The Cherokee County DUI Attorneys at our office are experts at helping our clients navigate the maze of rules and regulations at the Department of Driver Service. We can help get your license restored as soon as possible. There is no need to remain suspended when your license can be reinstated.
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