Sometimes, when people are arrested for DUI in Georgia, the best move for their specific case is to accept a deal for the lesser charge of Reckless Driving in Georgia.
This can bring about a lot of confusion for some people as to why a conviction for Reckless Driving is better for them than a DUI conviction. As a Georgia DUI Lawyer, I will outline the potential consequences of a conviction for Reckless Driving and compare those to the potential consequences of a conviction for DUI.
Reckless Driving Versus DUI in Georgia
Both Reckless Driving and DUI are considered misdemeanors in Georgia. However, the penalties differ quite a lot.
Most people are familiar with the concept of DUI in Georgia. However, the law behind Reckless Driving is somewhat broad. According to the Georgia Code, reckless driving is defined as:
Any person who drives any vehicle in reckless disregard for the safety of persons or property commits the offense of reckless driving. O.C.G.A. §40-6-390.
The consequences of a Reckless Driving conviction can include up to $1,000 or jail time up to 12 months.
Georgia DUI Penalties, on the other hand, are much more serious, and a DUI is classified as a high and aggravated misdemeanor in Georgia. A first Georgia DUI can include penalties such as:
- 12 months of probation
- Fines plus court costs and surcharges
- 1-10 days in jail
- 40+ hours of community service
- Substance abuse counseling
- Georgia DUI Risk Reduction School
- MADD Victim Impact Panel
- Driver's License Suspension
Practice Note
I've written frequently about how Georgia has some of the harshest DUI laws in the country. Georgia DUI Laws are also very confusing, and a Georgia DUI Case should not be placed into the hands of a general practitioner.
Penalties increase with each subsequent DUI - so much so that a fourth Georgia DUI is considered a felony Georgia DUI.
If you or a loved one has been charged with a DUI in Georgia, contact our offices today. A Georgia DUI Attorney is the start to the best defense for your case.
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